Questo studio è stato presentato sia al 15th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) Vienna, Austria che a quello di Palermo

Nel 2006 la Dr.ssa Sonia Cavallin e Dr.Francesca Novi dell’Ospedale Maggiore propongono a Vip Bologna Onlus di partecipare ai lavori per la 15th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) svoltasi a Vienna nell’aprile 2007, conferenza alla quale viene presentato l’operato di Vip Bologna nei reparti di Adulti, viene presentata la sperimentazione “l’efficacia della clownterapia sugli adulti” attraverso questionari di gradimento compilati da pazienti e infermieri.

Sempre nel 2007 l’operato di Vip Bologna Onlus viene presentato dalla Dr.Sonia Cavallin e dalla Dr. Francesca Novi al convegno HPH di Palermo il titolo dell’abstract è “Il valore di un sorriso” Accoglienza e Clown-terapia in Ospedale.

Local Health Authority of Bologna

This is a hospital experience to enhance Positive Living, within the activlty of

the hospital pian called HPH 2006 – Thematic Area.

INTRODUCTION The implementation of the Clown Therapy experiment was

positive in three (3) out of nine (9) hospitals of the Local Health Authority of

Bologna. This was free of charge and was made possible through the generosity of

the Vip Italia Onlus Association.

The goal of the experiment is to create an atmosphere and a hospital environment

that is more cheerful and colourful.

lt aims to create a moment of relaxation, amusement and enjoyment for the

children and adults who are confined in the hospltal.

The Clown doctor helps patlents, their family and relatives to enhance a positive

attitude (according to the Ottawa Chart and in reference to the International

Documentati on).

The benefits of the Clown Therapy, as an integrai part of the steps or route to

effective medication, are recognised and applied world wide.

RESULT: A representative of the Association joined and participated effectively

into the HPH group. An awareness session to train and inform all workers and

Associations of Volunteers was initiated. They were sharing instruments for the

experiment, their experiences and demonstrating the method of operation.

Posters and exhibits were shown in the hospital premises; a questionnaire for

feedback and comments was made (this is for the service user as well as interview

materiai for the medicai staff), and validated by the Quality Staff that

supplied the service.

The first analysis of the questionnaire provided a positive feedback (the data processing

is still on going).

The Local Health Authority has then designated the 2nd of Aprii as the “The

Red-Nose Day” in the hospital premises and in the squares around the city.

The day is a call for monetary support and donations in favour of the hospitals

where the clown services are held.

A photographic exhibition was prepared to be

shown at the hospltals lobby.

An article about the initiative was publicised on the hospita

newsletter and sent both to the medicai staff

of the local health Authority and…

to other magazines of this area. W – In 2007, some courses on


activated for the hospital

personnel. –

A slogan and a quotation

which says:

“A Smile doesn’t last for an instant but

could be eternai in memory” (Schiller)

will be posted on the hallway,

to serve as a reminder –

to doctors and nurses.

After all, education is good

with humour mixed in it.